

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mike, mike, mike mike mike mike mike.....what day is today?

It is muy hard to articulate the kind of day today was..apart from busy, tiring, long, exciting and amazing.  A few times between yesterday and today, I had a hard time putting gloves on my hands.  

If I could rub my eyes with my elbows, it would sure be a relief at this point.  Don't worry, I see some of you trying that.

I am sorry if pictures did not appear as readily as some had grown accustomed to.  I simply did not have the time.  I thank Mani for providing me some visual content that I could pass along to you.  

All of our teams were deeply busy getting legs ready.  By the end of today approximately 40 of our 45 inital patients had been fit and begun training on their new prostheses.  From my room where Melissa and I were working, I could hear the cheers and applause as each patient, with the guidance of a PT-amigo, emerged from our treatment rooms into the large PT Gym where everyone waited.  For many, this really does seem like a life changing moment.

In the picture posted, you can see our man Jeremy.  He is 12 yrs old.  He is being tutored and assisted by our previous patient and new colleague, Jonathan.  Jeremy took to walking like he had done it all of his life.  ;-)   

Regardless, it was a pleasure to see.  Maybe...in time, a Jeremy will become a Jonathan and a Jonathan will become a Mani Seetherama.  Now, wouldn't that be something?

As you can see from the pictures, our mission is clearly not all about prostheses.  Audra Maciunas, SLP has been well entrenched in bringing new ideas and concepts to Carrion's patients with communication and swallowing disorders.

Kevin Connellan, PT and Mike Liguore, UHart DPT student, are sharing caseload alongside the Peruvian PTs.

Tomorrow, our 1st goal is to have every patient up on their new prosthesis.  Beyond that we will aim to be training and tuning the fit, rehabilitation and use of the rest of the patients as they begin to realize their new level of potential.

There is no instruction booklet on how we are supposed to get to know this big blue marble on which we live.  On my current path, it is the people that make the difference and mean the most to me.  I do not want to sight see.  I do not need for fine foods, wealth or fame. I want to contibute, share, get to know and understand the people of these various places.  Being a prosthetist seems like a most excellent vehicle for this kind of journey.  Some say this could take a very long time. But I say "well, I still have my whole life ahead of me, as far as I can see."

Hasta Manana


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